
Yellowstone river, taken during fieldwork in 2019
Thick section of carbonaceous chondrite prepped for laser ablation analysis


My current Postdoc work is primarily focused on developing new techniques for measuring noble gases in extraterrestrial samples. By using laser ablation coupled with mass spectrometry, we can detect small variations in the noble gas isotope content of heterogeneous meteorites. This informs us about the conditions in the early solar system, when the Earth and other planets were forming…


Volatile elements from deep within the Earth’s mantle erupt at volcanic sites. These carry with them traces of the Earth’s primordial volatile composition. Analysing the noble gas isotope composition of these gases can tell us about the formation and subsequent evolution of the Earth. My work in volcanic areas has included studies in Iceland, Eifel and Yellowstone.

Lone Star geyser, Yellowstone National Park
Sampling geothermal boreholes in Iceland


During my PhD I was part of the NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Oil & Gas, a wide-ranging training programme covering many aspects relating to Earth Sciences and energy. My PhD project included measurements of noble gas isotopes in natural gases from Texas. Here the noble gases allow us to understand the behaviour of hydrocarbon fluids at depth, helping to ensure safe and effective production. I also undertook measurements of fluids from geothermal boreholes in Iceland.